About this website

“Digital Humanities” describes efforts to study digital technologies and culture, employ computational practices in research and teaching, and reflect upon the impact of the digital.

The Digital Humanities Initiative at SDSU (DH@SDSU) was founded to promote such critical engagement by providing a hub for strategic innovation and collaboration across campus. We are a faculty-based group built to support each other, and the Covid19 global pandemic demands our action.

This website was created in Summer 2020 to provide a portal for faculty forced to transition to virtual instruction due to the global pandemic. Each faculty participant in DH@SDSU has individual expertise in different aspects digital pedagogy, and we will use this website to share our knowledge and support our collective learning community.

The goals of this website:

  • to serve our faculty (and thereby our students) by providing expertise in using digital tools, teaching digital methods, and thinking critically about our digital world.
  • to model how collaboration—across individual faculty, disciplines, and institutional boundaries— elevates our teaching, learning, and sense of humanness.
  • to demonstrate how a focus on humans and the Humanities matters (even more) in our Covid-crisis world.

**This website was originally created (quickly and out of urgency) by Jessica Pressman in June 2020, with support from Pamella Lach and Harmit Chima. We hope it will grow and develop with input and ideas from others as we brave this new frontier of distanced learning and living, together.

Pam Lach continued updating this site through the end of the Spring 2023 semester, keeping the list of virtual programs current, adding YouTube recordings of past events, and enhancing the tools pages to include virtual tutorials created by the DH Center staff and student workers.