Text Analysis

Computational text analysis makes use of computers to help you process text, explore research questions, and assist with sense making (“distant reading”). Text analysis tools can be used for small and large sets of texts (corpora).

Voyant is a browser-based tool for engaging in text analysis. It does not require knowledge of coding or Natural Language Processing. It is a scholarly project that is designed to facilitate reading and interpretive practices for digital humanities students and scholars as well as for the general public.

The Digital Humanities Center has been hard at work creating resources and tutorials to help you use Voyant.

  • Voyant for Text Analysis Workshop, Fall 2020. Offered by Dr. Pam Lach, the slides and recording are both available.
  • Voyant Basics, created by DH Center student assistant, Keonna Kinshasa (Spring/Summer 2020)
  • Stopwords and Search Queries, created by DH Center student assistant, Keonna Kinshasa (Spring/Summer 2020).
  • New in Summer 2021: Bubblelines tutorial, created by DH Center student Assistant Fabrizio Lacarra Ramirez.
  • New in Fall 2021: Contexts Skin tutorial, created by DH Center student Assistant Fabrizio Lacarra Ramirez.
  • New in Fall 2021: Palette Editor tutorial, created by DH Center student Assistant Fabrizio Lacarra Ramirez.
  • New in Winter 2022: Trends Skin tutorial, created by DH Center student Assistant Fabrizio Lacarra Ramirez.
  • New in Spring 2022: Spanish-language Voyant tutorials, created by DH Center Specialist, Fabrizio Lacarra Ramirez.

Learn more about Voyant by exploring the documentation.

To learn about additional tools for text analysis, explore the Text Analysis and Markup section of our DH LibGuide.

Faculty point of contact

  • Pam Lach (DH Librarian). plach@sdsu.edu