
Twine is a free and open-source tool for making interactive fiction, games, and hypertext. Does not require programming knowledge. Is flexible for creating all sorts of interactive products. Has been used at SDSU for classes on creative and critical writing.


Sample Student Project & Lesson Plan used to produce it

Project: Katie Chestnut used Twine to produce a creative-critical interactive essay inspired by and conversing with Helene Cixious’ seminal feminist essay, “The Laugh of the Medusa” (1975). Chestnut’s “Medusa’s Laughter” (see movie file) was produced for Professor Jessica Pressman’s ENG 563: “Cyberfeminism” class (Fall 2017).

Katie Chestnut’s “Medusa’s Laughter” (2017), a Twine-based creative-critical essay. Click to explore the interactive essay.

Assignment: Creative-Critical Intervention (10% each, 30% total) These short (3-4 page) writing assignments allow you to explore the topic of cyberfeminism in creative and media-specific ways. You will respond to a text, presenting an argument about it, but you are free to do so in creative ways: you can write a poem or use a digital tool to remix a text or present your response. You will be graded on content and format of your response/intervention. Form and format should support your content (argument); “the medium is the message” as Marshall McLuhan argues. You can rewrite these interventions for a better grade. Revisions are due before the next deadline for a creative-critical intervention. (To see full syllabus from Pressman’s ENG 563: “Cyberfeminism” class, from which this assignment is taken, click here)

Faculty point of contact:

  • Jessica Pressman (English and Comparative Literature) can help you design assignments using Twine and provide examples of student projects created in Twine as well as born-digital literature made in Twine.
  • Pam Lach (DH Librarian) can support use of Twine.