We live in a digital age, wherein using the internet and other digital media is part of everyday existence. However, knowing how to use these media well— to have facility with them and to think critically about them– can distinguish users and constitute literacy.
Professor Chris Werry (Rhetoric and Writing Studies) has devoted years to thinking and teaching digital literacy across a range of courses. He shares his resources with us here.
- Here is a list of resources for “Digiliteracy” including a module on search literacy, fake news, and an introduction to URLs (by Chris Werry)
- Chris Werry and his RWS colleagues created a digital textbook: Reading, Writing, and Evaluating Argument. Modular, flexible, open to remix, revision and creative adaptation. Creative commons license (can be used anywhere). Created from the hive mind, author is “RWS.” But faculty can add sections, chapters, or remixes they author. Here is a PowerPoint explaining the textbook and how to use it.
Faculty Point of Contact
- Chris Werry (Rhetoric and Writing Studies) cwerry@mail.sdsu.edu
- Pam Lach (Digital Humanities Librarian). plach@sdsu.edu